News Listing

Knowledge Sharing

Don’t be alarmed if you receive a notice stating that your Facebook account has been suspended due to a copyright violation.

Knowledge Sharing

In an age where our lives are intertwined with technology, keeping our online presence safe is more important than ever.

Online Events

On October 17, AMCHAM Myanmar, in collaboration with Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), and co-hosted by Atlantic Council, hosted the seventh round of special security briefing series, with expert speakers.

New Members

Thank you to our new member, Marbled Black!

Hybrid Events

On September 7, AMCHAM Myanmar hosted the hybrid briefing by Chargé d’Affaires Susan N. Stevenson on the current political and economic landscape for our members.


The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar is honored to receive accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as of August 31, 2023.

Hybrid Events

On August 22 and August 23, AMCHAM Myanmar took part in the two-day Digital Economy Forum, which was supported by USAID’s Digital Asia Accelerator, in partnership with MangoTango Asia in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

In-Person Events

On August 10, AMCHAM Myanmar hosted a special members-only networking evening at Novotel Yangon Max debriefing members of our recent trip to Washington DC on the AAP 2023 DoorKnock delegation.

In-Person Events

AMCHAM Myanmar was delighted to attend the exclusive networking event hosted by our Silver Corporate Partner C.I.M Property Consultants, along with Interpan at Kantharyar Center Office Tower on August 3.

In-Person Events

This year, AMCHAM Myanmar, represented by Mr. Adam Castillo, President of Board of Governors and Managing Partner at ATALIAN Global Services Myanmar, and Mr. Danny Kyaw, Executive Director, participated in the AmChams of Asia Pacific 2023 Doorknock Delegation in Washington DC along with 15 other AMCHAMs in the region.