We are delighted to announce that the call for nominations for the elections of all (11) seats on the American Chamber of Commerce Myanmar Board of Governors is now open. The nominees that are elected as Governors will serve a two-year term from May 30th, 2025, to the end of May 2027.

Our newest Governors will be elected and announced at our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 30, 2025, at Meliá Hotel in Yangon. The AGM is one of the most significant events of the year for AMCHAM Myanmar. We will be conducting our essential business meeting, presenting our accomplishments from the past two years, while this event will also be concluded with the much-anticipated farewell address of our President, Adam Castillo.

The AGM will be free for all members who renew their 2025 membership before this important event and will allow them to exercise their rights as corporate members of AMCHAM to vote on all (11) Governors.

To ensure a transparent screening and evaluation of candidates takes place; there will be two AMCHAM Myanmar Election events. The first will be a “meet the nominees” event online on April 30th, 2025, while the second will be an in-person interview by the Election Commission for shortlisted Nominees.

All potential nominees are advised to review the AMCHAM Myanmar Bylaws, 7.8 The Election Commission’s Criteria for Nominee Selection.

On the note of the Election Commission - Per our Constitution and Bylaws, the AMCHAM Myanmar hereby appoints and announces the 2025 Election Commission with the following members:

  • Adam Castillo, Commission Chairman, AGS Myanmar
  • Henry Tun, Max Power Group
  • Munim Islam, Misfit Technologies
  • Khant Phone Thit, J’Donuts
  • Danny Kyaw, Executive Director, AMCHAM Myanmar

Per our Bylaws clause 7.9, Election Commission members listed above are not allowed to nominate themselves and must forfeit their right to vote at the AGM.

Again, it is important for members to note that all (11) seats are open to serve on the Board of Governors.

It is an esteemed honor to serve on the Board of AMCHAM. The Board sets the direction of the future of AMCHAM Myanmar, and the core responsibilities of the Governors are to set the strategic direction of AMCHAM Myanmar.

Please submit nominations to the Election Commission at

Nominations may be made in writing by any member and must be signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be AMCHAM Myanmar members in good standing.

Nominees are responsible for collecting the necessary signatures and endorsements.

Please use the Nomination Form and the Board Responsibility Statements on the website to complete your nomination.

Deadline to submit nominations is April 11, 2025 at 4:00 pm Myanmar Time.

Prospective Governors are encouraged to review our bylaws and constitution, available on the Governance page of our website.

The Call for Nominations is NOW OPEN!


All members are invited to attend our in-person Annual General Meeting and the Celebration Networking by registering on our website.

We look forward to hosting you!