Membership Directory - Corporate

Myanma Awba Group Co., Ltd.

Member Since: 2021


Myanma Awba Group serves three and a half million farming families (out of seven million in the country) with agricultural inputs, finance, and extension services. Core products and services include fertilizers, crop protection chemicals, hybrid and OP seeds, agricultural finance and micro loans, mobile based payment system and mobile based farm advisory services.
Started as a trading company in 1995, the group has grown exponentially with investments in the first privately-owned fertilizer plant, chemical formulation plants, seed production facilities and R&D facilities. With over 1,500 agronomists, the group has the largest agronomist team in ASEAN.
The group seeks to increase agricultural output of farmers, lower their costs, increase efficiency, and enable market access through holistic agriculture solutions and precision farming for small holders. Every year, Myanma Awba sets aside a large percentage of net profit for Shared Value Initiatives, including the building of rural infrastructure and public utilities.
Street: Available to Members
Phone: Available to Members
Email: Available to Members
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CEO - Maha Agriculture Public Co.,Ltd.
Director of Myanma Awba Group Co. Ltd
Chief Sustainability Officer
Business Development Manager
Group Chief Agronomist and CEO of Ayeyarwady Seeds & Irrigation Co.,Ltd
CEO - Zega Finance Co.,Ltd