Membership Directory - Corporate

Coca-Cola Limited (CCL)

Food & Beverage
Member Since: 2013


The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company operating in more than 200 countries. It has proudly produced beverages locally in Myanmar since June 2013. Over the past four-and-a-half years, Coca-Cola has made substantial investments of more than $200 million in new production lines, facilities, cold drink equipment, products and people development and will continue to invest. The Coca-Cola system in Myanmar directly employs more than 1,000 people locally and prioritizes the development of employees by rolling out comprehensive capability building programs across all departments, providing more than 200,000 hours of learning and development training in 2017. In the community, Coca-Cola Myanmar is devoted to operating a responsible business and believes in doing the right thing by implementing sustainable programs for communities in Myanmar including World Without Waste (WWW), Economic Empowerment, Water Replenishment, and Community Care. Since 2012, Coca-Cola has contributed over 10 million USD to making positive contributions to society through different sustainability programs together with the partners and touched lives of more than 100,000 people in need across Myanmar.
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Country Head of Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability
Director, Global Security and Asset Protection
Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability Manager
Legal Manager, Legal
Franchise Operations Director|
Operational Excellence
Chief Executive Officer
Director - Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability (Thailand, Myanmar and Laos)
Strategic Engagement Officer
Head of Sustainability & Communication
Chief Executive Officer
QSE Management Head