U.S. Tax Update - Trust and Estate Tax Planning

Speakers: Christopher Karachale, Esq. and Constance Liu, Esq., from the law firm Hanson Bridgett LLP, and Raymond Leung, CPA, from the accounting firm Leung, Louie, Ip & Co LLP, all located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Date: March 31, 7:30 am Our speakers are experienced in advising taxpayers on the use of trusts, especially for a U.S. citizen with a non-U.S. citizen spouse or a non-U.S. citizen / non-U.S. resident spouse. They will also discuss tax planning strategies to reduce estate tax liabilities. The speakers will present through a WEBCAST. Please register early so that we have sufficient time to send you the necessary link to access this important and interesting session. No cost