US-Myanmar Trade and Investment Relations: Path Forward

The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and organizing a conference to bring together senior business executives and government officials from both countries to identify Myanmar’s economic development priorities and objectives, explore opportunities for expanding U.S.-Myanmar trade and investment across a range of key industry sectors, and build business partnerships. Participants will include leading Myanmar business executives, U.S. executives participating in a US Chamber of Commerce business mission to Myanmar, other U.S. executives from around the ASEAN region, government officials from both countries, development specialists, academics, and others. Topics to be addressed include: •   The US-Myanmar Trade and Investment Relationship: Finding the Way Forward •   Creating an Attractive Investment Environment •   Developing Myanmar’s Energy Resources •   Information Technology: Propelling Economic Growth •   Building a Viable Financial Sector •   Corporate Social Responsibility: Benefitting the Community •   Integrating Myanmar into the ASEAN, Asian, and Global Economy The cost for attending is USD 50 payable on the day at the event.  You may register online and AMCHAM will submit your registration or you may  email to Daw Thuzar:, Subj: U.S.-Myanmar Trade Seminar