U.S. - Japan Economic Cooperation in Myanmar

** This event is by invitation only.AMCHAM Myanmar is pleased to host Matthew Goodman, who holds the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy and is Senior Adviser for Asian Economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a foreign policy think tank in Washington, DC. Mr. Goodman, along with the Asia Pacific Initiative, a Tokyo-based think tank, is working on a project that explores how to enhance U.S.-Japan economic cooperation in third countries, including Myanmar.  You are invited to join a meeting with Mr. Goodman and the research team on March 19. In addition to the project above, Mr. Goodman will discuss changes in U.S. trade and infrastructure policy in Asia, and how it should engage with other initiatives in the region, such as the Belt and Road Initiative. Mr. Goodman leads a project at CSIS called Reconnecting Asia, which tracks connective infrastructure developments across the Eurasian continent.Date and Time: March 19, 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm Venue: Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon (Lunch will be sponsored by CSIS) Cost: no cost to attend