Update on Sanctions

We have rescheduled the originally planned January 30th meeting with Peter Harrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs on an update of U.S sanctions on Myanmar. Mr. Harrell leads and coordinates the State Department’s economic sanctions and counter threat finance efforts across a range of sanctions regimes and policy priorities. Following the Video Conference the Task Force will meet for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to discuss the recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce visit and other items of interest. (From 9-9.30 am) Please register by noon on March 11 if you will attend so we can provide an attendee list to the U.S. Embassy. You may also view a recently released document regarding a Myanmar Rule of Law Assessment by Perseus which you may find interesting.  A summary of this was presented at the February 25th Symposium in Yangon.  Click here to view:  https://www.amchamthailand.com/asp/view_doc.asp?DocCID=3560 DUE TO LIMITED SPACE, THIS EVENT IS OPEN BY INVITATION ONLY TO MEMBERS OF THE MYANMAR TASK FORCE. The Myanmar Task Force represents companies currently operating in Myanmar or who are actively involved in registering or setting up operations.  For an invitation please email judy.benn@amchamthailand.com