Tax Committee - Annual Myanmar Tax Update

The AMCHAM Tax Work Group will host its 'Annual Myanmar Tax Update' on Friday 10th of June. We all see that Tax is getting more and more attention in Myanmar. With a new government looking to increase tax collection, and increasingly active tax authorities, the challenge for businesses in Myanmar is growing from year to year. In order to share some insight to the AMCHAM members, Peetinuch Utaiwan (GE) and Ola Nicolai Borge (Baker & McKenzie) will give a presentation on current status on Tax in Myanmar. They will cover recent changes in Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Commercial Tax and the new Special Commodities Tax. The presentation will also cover international tax aspects, including current status on Myanmar's tax treaties and the issues related to the application of these. Finally, the presentation will give an update and overview on Stamp Duty. The event will be ideal for anyone that deals with tax as part of their job, or that simply has an interest in learning more on this exciting and interesting topic.