Scholarship Program: Internship Match-Making

This year AMCHAM internship program will be held from October 25 to November 30. Once again, we would like to request our member companies' continued participation and support towards this program. Your on-job training will help strengthen our collective students' professional skills and interpersonal relationships in professional settings. Click here for the internship guidelines and requirements.In order to facilitate both the students and the member companies, AMCHAM will arrange a match-making program where the companies will have a chance to pick up a student/s by interviewing them and the students will have an opportunity to experience job interviews. Date and Time: October 23, 10 am to 12 noonVenue: Chatrium Hotel, Ballroom ICost: Free to attend. This program is only for AMCHAM scholarship students and member companies.Please express your interest in participating to by October 20.The AMCHAM Scholarship Program has been funding 35 promising Myanmar students for three consecutive years. In addition to providing funding, the program arranges various activities that widen the students' perspective and critical thinking. For more information on the program, please click here.