Postponed: Dinner with UMFCCI President U Zaw Win Min

AMCHAM Myanmar is hosting a friendship dinner welcoming U ZawMin Win, the new President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI). Our guest of honor will be sharing the future plans<span class='s1'>of UMFCCI. Other members of UMFCCIExecutive Committee will also participate.Please join us as this will be your chance to welcome and network with the newly elected UMFCCIpresident.This event is open to non-members.Venue: Yadanar Ballroom, PARKROYAL Hotel YangonCost: USD50 (65,000 kyats) per member; USD75 (98,000 kyats) per non-member. (It includes three course dinner and free flow of beer)Registration and Networking will start at 5:30 pmProgram commences: 6 pmDinner: 7 pmThe UMFCCI is a national level non-governmental organization representing and safeguarding the interests of the private business sector. Founded in 1919, UMFCCI is formed of 16 Regional and State Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 9 Border Trade Associations, 48 Affiliated Associations and about 30,000 members.UMFCCI acts as a bridge between the State and the private sector presents business interests and views to the Government. For more information, please click here.If you would like to request a vegetarian meal, please type vegetarian in the comment box upon registration. Thank you."