OSAC Rangoon Country Council

The U.S. Embassy Rangoon presents OSAC Rangoon Country Council Meeting.  Activities will include presentations by the Deputy Chief of Mission, RSO Rangoon, OSAC Headquarters, and more.  Topics will include overviews of Burma's security environment, corporate security, and the Overseas Security Advisory Council. Agenda 8.30 am     -  Check-In 9.00 am     -  Opening of Meeting                     Presenter:  Mr. Jonathan Kazmar, RSO Rangoon 9.05 am     -  Welcoming Remarks                     Presenter:  Ms. Virginia Murray, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Rangoon 9.15 am     -  OSAC Overview                     Presenter: Robert Hartung, Assistant Director Threat Investigations and analysis 9.45 am     -  The Benefits of OSAC                     Presenter:  Jim Snyder, OSAC Co-chair and CSO ConocoPhillips 10.15 am    -  Break 10.25 am    -  RSO and Embassy Overview                      Presenter: Mr. Jonathan Hazmar, RSO Rangoon                      Country Council Best Practices                      Presenter:  Ms. Kristen Adams, Program Officer, OSAC                      East Asia and Pacific Overview                      Presenter: Morgan Dibble, Regional Analyst, OSAC 11.00 am    -  Meeting Adjourns and Informational Networking RSVP direct to Christina Lorelli:  LorelliCJ@state.gov by March 3 For security reasons, please include the following information with your RSVP:      -  Full Name, Job Title, Nationality      -  All invitees must bring photo identification