Myanmar-Thai nexus: Blazing the Asean Trail

Myanmar-Thai nexus: Blazing the Asean trail by guest speaker Anthony Nafte, Senior Economist, CLSA. Myanmar’s recent political opening paves the way for an economic restructuring that will unleash the country’s huge potential. This is a nation rich in resources, with extensive arable land, a young labour force and the lowest wage level in the region. Anthony Nafte explains the significant impact such development will have on the region, through enhanced connectivity with China, India and Japan and the opening of a new gateway to Europe. Thailand will be central in broadening the transportation network across Asean, spurred by its increasing reliance on Myanmar’s energy resources for sustaining its own economic upswing. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Anthony Nafte is our senior economist. Since January 1997, Anthony has developed wide reaching expertise in various Asian economies. He is a specialist on emerging Asean markets, covering Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. He is currently based in Hong Kong. Anthony has a BSc in economics from the University of London and an MSc in economics from the London School of Economics. Registration:  5 pm Program:       5.30 pm - 6.30pm Cost:             No cost for registered attendees This event will be followed by Social Networking event.  Please register separately and cost will apply to the networking event.