Myanmar Task Force: Analysing Political & Business Risks

Myanmar’s 2015 general election is a key topic lately among Myanmar citizens and the international community. There are hot issues such as whether Aung San Su Kyi will be eligible to run as a presidential candidate and what economic changes the country will face. There are 73 political parties who registered to take part in the 2015 election according to the Union Election Commission. What major initiatives could happen and why? Who and what will be the key players? What role would the military and international communities play? How about the ethnic political parties? If you are interested in these topics, please do not miss the presentation given by U Thet Aung Min Latt (Diamond Intelligence Company) who is Myanmar Politics and Business Consultant with background in strategic planning, information communication technology and management experience working at start-ups and established companies in Myanmar. For more information, please go to William Greenlee will also update on Myanmar laws. William is Chair of AMCHAM Myanmar Legal Cmte and Managing Director of DFDL’s Myanmar office, a full service legal and tax firm with locations spread across ASEAN. His practice focuses on M & A, corporate and project finance and securities. With a focus on Southeast Asia, William’s clients include a range of industries including energy, mining, infrastructure, oil and gas, banking, telecommunications and tourism. For more information, please go to AMCHAM Myanmar members, please contact Clara at for registration.