Myanmar: A New Era//AMCHAM Economic Forum

This event is now closed.  New bookings accepted only with confirmation of payment.  Contact for more details. ************************************************* AMCHAM Myanmar is pleased to invite members to a program to explore opportunities in Myanmar on February 17-18 with an optional day of Golf on February 19.  A full 2 day program has been developed that will include: •A trip to the first Special Economic Zone in Myanmar (Thilawa) •Business matching opportunities with local businesses through the Union of Myanmar Federation of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI); •Full day program to hear from the U.S. Embassy on latest political updates; U.S. and other business operating on the ground, Asian Development Bank experts and others. •Optional day to include participating in the AMCHAM Myanmar Charity Golf Tournament (supported by Chevron) at Pun Hliang Golf Club, an 18 hole championship course designed by Gary Player.   Another excellent opportunity to network with AMCHAM Myanmar members and learn about the business environment.  Draft agenda with details and costs can be found at: For questions, please contact Judy Note booking is preferred by February 11 (For business matching, January 30th deadline). Member Cost extended to members of other AMCHAMs in the region. (no userid/password required)