Myanmar Economy: Reforms and Challenges

We are extremely delighted to invite AMCHAM members and friends to a briefing by Dr. Sean Turnell, Special Economic Consultant to the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Dr. Turnell will be providing his view on the macroeconomic factors impacting Myanmar, including developments in the financial sector, the role of international economic relations, and looming sanctions issues. He will also give his insights on the strategy of the reformers within the government and the challenges they face. Dr. Turnell will take questions from the participants after the briefing.Date and Time: June 3, 9 am to 10:30 am Venue: Parkroyal Hotel Cost: USD 50 (open only for Board of Governors, Committee Chairs and Corporate Partners) About the Speaker  Dr. Sean Turnell, Special Economic Consultant to the State Counsellor Government of the Union of Myanmar Dr. Sean Turnell has been a researcher of Myanmar’s economy for over twenty-five years. Formerly at the Reserve Bank of Australia and a Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, Sean has written widely on Myanmar’s economy. In addition to the Myanmar government, he has been an advisor on Myanmar to the US State Department and other agencies, to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to the World Bank, and many other international bodies. In 2009 the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies published Sean’s book on the history of the financial sector in Myanmar, Fiery Dragons: Banks, Moneylenders and Microfinance in Burma. Sean has been a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins, and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. In addition to his advisory role, he is also currently the Director of Research at the Myanmar Development Institute (MDI) in Naypyitaw. For more information, please click here.