Myanmar Companies Law: Incentives and Challenges

 The much-anticipated amended Myanmar Companies Law was recently passed by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Union Parliament) on November 23 and sent to the President for his approval or remarks. If no comments from the President, the amended law will then be implemented. The AMCHAM Legal Committee will present a high-level overview of the more interesting changes in this law, and how this new legislation will impact the local and international business community in Myanmar. Please join us.  Date and Time  : December 8, 8:30 am to 10:30 amVenue  : Inwa Room, Level 3, Sule Shangri-la HotelCost  : USD 10 per members; and USD 15 per non-members (Light refreshment will be provided)  About speakers William D. Greenlee, Jr.   Partner, Managing Director, DFDL Myanmar    William's practice focuses on M&A, project finance and securities. He is involved in negotiating, structuring, documenting and managing large private equity and opportunity-fund companies and transactions. He holds a B.A. degree from the University of Oregon in Asian Studies with a minor in East Asian Literature and Juris Doctor from the University of San Francisco, California. Click here  for more information.      Dave Seibert      Senior Legal Advisor, DFDL Myanmar    Dave is a Senior Legal Adviser of DFDL Myanmar. His primary field of expertise focuses on the Energy, Mining, and Infrastructure sectors. In 2002, he studied Japanese language and culture at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, going onward to receive a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Robert Morris University, Pennsylvania, USA in 2003. Click  here for more information.