Meeting with Karen Chief Minister

BY INVITATION ONLY!About H.E. Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint, Chief Miniser of Kayin StateDate of Birth: May 10, 1954Education: Bachelors degree in economicsNan Khin Htwe Myint, age 62, is the daughter of Dr Saw Hla Tun, a former Chairman of Karen State, and Daw Amar. She was born in Mawlamyine in Mon State and she holds a bachelors degree in economics.Nan Khin Htwe Myint is also the chairperson of the Karen State branch of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and a member of the NLDs central executive committee. Ever since the elections in November 2015 there have bee rumours that she would become the Karen State Chief Minister.In 1974 she was arrested and imprisoned in Insein prison in Rangoon alongside hundreds of other university student activists who had attempted, against the government's wishes, to inter the body of U Thant, the third Secretary General of the United Nations, in the historic student union building.Well-known for her unwavering and deep loyalty to Suu Kyi, Khin Htwe Myint chairs the Karen state branch of the NLD and is one of only a handful of ethnic minority members of the NLD'S central executive committee. Her father, Saw Hla Tun, was the first chief minister of Karen State after independence, and politics has always featured prominently in her life.She was also elected for the NLD at the 1990 poll  a national victory for Suu Kyi's party that the then military government refused to recognize.Click here for the venue map.