Media Sponsor: Econonmist Myanmar Summit 2016

Please indicate that you are an AMCHAM member (code - 3324ATMC) to get 20% discount. xxxxxxxxxxxx One hundred days into the new government’s term, The Economist Events will convene its second Myanmar Summit, where the nation’s decision-makers, advocates, entrepreneurs and investors will discuss how to build and maintain the country's development path. While Myanmar faces tremendous obstacles on its road to development, the opportunities are greater still. The leaders of its new government have a tall order to fill: to build economic capacity—jobs and physical and financial infrastructure—and create wealth and opportunity for its 51m people. Yet there are currently more promises than concrete solutions. If there is to be genuine progress, the country’s citizens, leaders and foreign partners develop a much greater appetite for risk. Over the last 15 months, Myanmar has seen huge political changes: the historic election win by the National League for Democracy (NLD), a ceasefire agreement with many of the nation’s armed groups, and initial dialogue to explore constitutional reforms which could recast Myanmar as an inclusive, multi-ethnic federation. All this is part of Myanmar’s final push to end over half a century of political and economic isolation, and has secured the foundations for a new, vibrant and potentially very different country. Myanmar has been afforded a “last-mover advantage” unique among Asia’s developing economies. Myanmar has a chance to choose new modes of development and to form relationships with foreign investors in ways that allow it to build its economy inclusively, sustainably and equitably. To minimize political and social conflict, the new government will have to cooperate closely with the very institutions that it has long fought against. How quickly Myanmar can transform itself will depend upon its new leaders’ ability to build political skills and acumen to match the tremendous political courage its people have already shown. For speakers and agenda, go to there. For registration, please go to there.