Mandalay Business Delegation Trip

We are happy to announce that we are able to reduce the registration fee from USD 750 to USD 500 per member due to the generous reception sponsorship of Kanbawza Bank Limited!Not only our dinner reception with Mandalay Chief Minister, Mayor, parliament representatives, and other ministers on May 25 at Mandalay Hill Resort will be sponsored by KBZ Bank, but also this local giant bank will present briefing on business opportunities in Mandalay based on an intensive study they conducted. So, please join us! Click here for more information on the KBZ Bank.AMCHAM will be visiting Mandalay, the second largest trade hub in Myanmar, and meeting with the Mandalay government officials to discuss future collaboration to encourage expanded trade and investment with Mandalay.This year program will feature meetings with H.E. Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister of Mandalay Region, U Ye Lwin, Mayor of Mandalay City Development Committee, U Aung Than, Chair of the Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce Industry (MRCC) and their Executive Committee members, and Mandalay Region ministers. The trip will also provide you a networking opportunity with the Mandalay Parliament representatives, ministers in addition to the guests listed above, an exploration to  Mandalay Myotha Industrial Park and& a business matching with MRCC. Click here for detailed agenda. To see the list of our delegates, please here One of the AMCHAM Myanmar's objectives is to provide, on behalf of member companies, consistent advocacy towards both Myanmar and the U.S. governments as necessary.Date: May 25-26Venue: MandalayCost: USD $500 per member; USD $1,000 per non-members New Rate *Participants will be responsible for their own airfares, accommodation, and hotel pickup. Seats are limited in order to make our meetings more effective. So please reverse your seat now!Accommodations: We encourage participants to stay at Mandalay Hill Resort Hotel as all the events will be held at this hotel. All participants will get special room rates; starting from USD $ 120++ a night. Contact for room booking.Flights: Yangon to Mandalay flight list can be viewed here*We suggest participants to arrive on May 24 (Wednesday) in order to be on time for the May 25 morning meeting.Myanmar Visa: Please click here.About Mandalay: Mandalay is the second-largest city and the last royal capital of Myanmar. Located 716 km (445 miles) north of Yangon on the east bank of the Irrawaddy River, the city has a population of 1,225,553 (2014 census). It has over 20,000 registered businesses, and is a main trading center and transit hub for jade, gems and agricultural products. Its strategic location in the north of the country gives the city a prosperous border trade with China, and India. 75 per cent of businesses in Mandalay are still dependent on agriculture; main products include rice, sugar, and beans, and pulses, which companies generally trade to resellers in Yangon or export to China or India. Mandalay is also an industrial hub. Mandalay s industrial zones house over 1,100 factories, with most of the companies involved in the production of agricultural products or heavy machinery. Another clear indication of the commercial importance of Mandalay is the fact that all of Myanmar s 14 private banks have branches in the city. Despite Nay Pyi Taw's recent rise, Mandalay remains Upper Burma's main commercial, educational and health center.Click here the short biography of H.E. Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister of Mandalay Region."