Improving Ease of Doing Business Forum & Luncheon

We are delighted to announce that several senior government officials are confirmed to attend this Forum. U.S. Ambassador H.E. Scot Marciel will be presiding over the event in his capacity as our honorary chairman.In an effort to continue supporting the Myanmar Government in their stated goal to improve the ease of doing business in Myanmar, AMCHAM Myanmar will be hosting the AMCHAM Forum on Improving the Ease of Doing Business in Myanmar on Tuesday, June 26 in Yangon. This will be an intimate engagement between Myanmar Government officials and the AMCHAM leadership to discuss possible ways of improving the ease of doing business in Myanmar. The event will begin with a closed-door dialogue between the Chamber leadership, sponsors, and Myanmar Government representatives, and will cover a range of topics suggested by the AMCHAM Committees, including tax, employment, financial services, and trade across a number of sectors. AMCHAM members are invited to participate in the exclusive luncheon following the meeting to engage with the distinguished guests from the various ministries and continue the discussions. The luncheon program will feature a keynote speech (H.E. U Thaung Tun, Union Minister of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations is invited).  Date: June 26, 2019 Luncheon Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm  Venue: Melia Hotel Yangon, Grand Ballroom 1 (Level 2) Cost: USD 50 or 77,000 ks per member (Book early, seating is limited! Luncheon is open for AMCHAM members only.) Our Event Sponsors to date: MyanShwePyi Tractors, General Electric International, CB Bank, Chevron, Visa Myanmar, RMA Myanmar, ThanLwin Legal, Ayuroma Advisory International, PanAust Services, MastercardSponsorship opportunities for this event are still available! Contact to find out more and get a wide range of sponsorship benefits.