HR Cmte Meeting - USAID Engagement in Myanmar

We regret to inform you that our USAID speaker had to cancel her appearance due to the visit of a high U.S. State Department official.  In her time slot, we will be playing an April 23rd, 2015 podcast with Peter Kucik, a Principal at the Inle Advisory Group and former OFAC official, who will discuss the removal of U Win Aung from the OFAC SDN list, and its significance on the Myanmar-US trade relations. The balance of the program remains unchanged. We hope you will join us at this meeting, and we apologize for the unexpected change due to circumstances beyond our control.   Please RSVP by return e-mail to: Cost: No cost to attend.Prior registration is required with Mai Gracy Tial (office: 01.230.5935, mobile: 09.420.048.597,