HR Cmte Meeting

The HR Committee will meet for their 2nd meeting. Agenda: I) Approval of the Minutes from the last meeting. II) New items: 1)  Co-operation with Yangon Technological University ('YTU') a) Eric Rose to report on the meeting with Rector Aye on 13 December 2013, and follow-up regarding AMCHAM's offer of assistance to YTU on the curriculum of the new HR course.  b) James Shea to follow-up on information concerning Pepsi Co's work at Yangon University, and information on whether any of the courses proposed there are relevant and can be replicated at YTU. c) General discussion on potential NGO funding for seminars, courses and workshops.    2) 'Getting Hired' program Wim Somers to follow-up on a potential roll-out of a workshop/seminar series to young Myanmar students so that they are better equipped to handle interviews with Western firms.  The proposed curriculum would include drafting of resumes, and conduct at interviews   3)  Intellectual Property and confidentiality in employer-employee relationships Daw Khin Khin Zaw to follow-up on the development of a program emphasizing the importance of intellectual property and confidentiality in business relations   4) Work Permits Vimaljit Kaur to follow-up on a proposal to clarify the path for foreigners to apply and receive work permits prior to the enactment of the new Immigration Law.   5) Proposal for adoption of recommended HR Practices by AMCHAM members. Vimaljit Kaur to report on the formation and activities of the sub-committee she is chairing on this subject.  The objective of this sub-committee is to come up with a set of guidelines which AMCHAM members can apply in their labor relations which advances the rule of law and is, as far as possible, in conformity with international best business practices.  Specific reference was made to the Minimum Wages Act and the problems associated with formulating a minimum wage pursuant to the Act.   6) New proposals   III) Conclusion PLEASE REGISTER TO ATTEND BY FEB 4 FOR SECURITY PURPOSES.  LIMIT OF 12 ATTENDEES