The Paris Agreement created an impetus to accelerate
investments, both public and private, to put the world on a path to sustainable
growth. Globally, this transition will require trillions to be invested in
green infrastructure by 2030, with most of the demand for financing coming from
developing countries.
A model pioneered in the UK, green banks, are financing vehicles that can foster greater collaboration between government and private investors. A low carbon development strategy, backed by a green bank, will not only create investment opportunities for the private sector: it can be a catalyst for building capability – allowing countries to develop their own expertise to drive a low-carbon, climate-resilient transition that is completely aligned with the local context.
Gavin will discuss the lessons learned from developing the UK Green Investment Bank, it's work in Mongolia, and why he thinks this model could support the low carbon transition in Myanmar.
This event has been brought to you by the British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar's Energy Working Group with support from the American and Australian Chambers, AMCHAM and AUSTCHAM. If you have any questions for the Chairman please contact Neil Carmichael on neil.carmichael@britishchambermyanmar.com.
Date and Time: May 27, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Venue: Webinar. A webinar link will be sent to you one day before the event.
Cost: Free for AMCHAM Members. This event is open to members only.
Booking deadline: May 26, 4 pm