The End of the U.S. Burma Sanctions: Challenges and Opportunities

Payment to be made at the event.AMCHAM Myanmar and A-MCC invite you to a seminar exploring the implications of recent developments concerning the U.S. economic sanctions against Myanmar. On September 14, President Obamaannounced his intent to terminate the National Emergency with respect to Burma, nearly 20 years after economic and financial sanctions were first imposed on Burma. The announcement came after the President met and discussed these issues with State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, during her first visit to the United States in her new capacity.Yet, President Obama also announced that the U.S. Government will continue helping Myanmar strengthen its ability to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, which may further delay the integration of Myanmar into the international financial system. In that regard, a number of sanctions will be maintained. The JADE Act visa ineligibility list will remain in effect. Furthermore, restrictions will continue as to foreign assistance to Myanmar's military, as well as on selected individuals and companies allegedly involved in drug trafficking or involvement with North Korea.The White House also announced that, starting on November 13, 2016, Myanmar would be reinstated in the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, a privilege which had been suspended in 1989. As a result, import duties and tariffs will be reduced on about 5,000 types of products exported to the U.S..As complex challenges will remain even after these sanctions are removed, the seminar will address:A) the practical extent of the changes proposed by President ObamaB) the key areas of opportunity and risk for business with regard to MyanmarC) potential next steps in the sanctions process.Cost: USD 10 or 13,000 Kyats per member; USD15 or 19,000 Kyats per non-member** The presentation will be followed by cash bar networking with special rates.Speaker: Eric Rose, Lead Director of HERZFELD RUBIN MEYER ROSE LAW FIRM LIMITED, the first American law firm in Myanmar. Eric is an expert in the application of the sanctions, as well as in dealing with U.S. Government agencies, including OFAC. For a more detailed background, see www.hrmr.usxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNote for A-MCCmembers: All A-MCCmembers are considered 'members' at this event. However, you are required to register under non-member booking due to our system, and you will be charged member rate (USD10 per person) at the event.