Driving Sustainable Energy Access in Myanmar

Myanmar is known for its abundant natural resources; particularly its hydropower and natural gas resources. According to the ADB, the Myanmar energy sector accounted for 55% of exports and 86% of foreign direct investment in 2013. The hydropower potential is estimated to amount to more than 100,000 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity. Natural gas is a major export resource, such that $3.6 billion worth of foreign income was earned in 2012 and additional revenues of about $2.7 billion per year are likely to come from new gas fields. Yet, Myanmar’s domestic energy consumption is still among the lowest in the world, and nearly 70% of Myanmar’s 51.4 million people do not have access to national grid power. In rural areas, the figure is 84%. Please join us at Driving Sustainable Energy Access in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges hosted by AMCHAM & A-MCC to get an overview of sustainable energy access issues in Myanmar. Our speakers, Bill Gallery (IFC) and Damien Motteau (TOTAL), will present a range of information on the off-grid energy sector, including a review of the current market situation, the barriers to expanding energy access, and the work IFC and Awango are doing to address these issues. Date and Time: June 8, 10 am to 11:30 amVenue: AYA Bank Office, No. 416, Mahabandoola Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon MAP (Note venue change)Cost: No cost to attend for AMCHAM and A-MCC members; USD 15 (20,000 Kyats) per non-member. Speakers: Bill Gallery is project manager for the IFC’s Lighting Myanmar project, which is supporting the market for high-quality off-grid solar products in the country. Before joining the IFC, Bill worked in development for more than 10 years, with expertise in clean energy and energy access and a particular focus on Southeast Asia. Based in the region since 2012, he has worked for a range of energy sector clients, including the ADB, GIZ, and private companies. In Myanmar, he was Deputy Team Leader for the ADB’s Off-grid Renewable Energy Project, and worked on other projects looking at industrial rooftop solar and related issues. In 2014 and 2015 he was Agenda Coordinator for the Asia Clean Energy Forum, one of the largest clean energy events in the region. He has also worked on regulatory issues in in the electricity and water sectors, serving as lead author for an ADB study on regulatory effectiveness in eight countries in Southeast Asia. Damien Motteau works for the energy provider Total as Awango program coordinator of Asian affiliates. Awango is a business response to the energy access issue faced by 1.3 billion people worldwide. Its mission is to enable low-income communities to meet some of their most basic needs by providing innovative, reliable and affordable solar solutions. After a Master Degree in Business, Damien started his career in CSR consulting companies and then worked for social business incubators in France, Germany and Colombia. Click here for more information.