The Critical Importance of Power Development in Myanmar

The presentation will be given in Bangkok (May 14) and Yangon (May 22) by Keith W. Rabin, KWR International who recently completed comprehensive initiative to facilitate Integrated Energy and Rural Electrification for the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and University of Tokyo. The study is  based on over 200 interviews with key government and private sector decision makers in Myanmar and other locations, stakeholder meetings, site visits to over two dozen locations in Myanmar, including numerous cities, towns and villages; border crossings into Thailand and China (including Kokang area which is now experiencing unrest); sites of planned special economic zones in Dawei, Kyauphyu and Thilawa. His findings will focus on: - On-the-Ground Conditions and Key Issues Relating to Rural Electrification in Myanmar - Comparative Cost & Technology Relating to Rural Electrification in Myanmar - Cross-Border Electrification and Potential for Regional Energy Integration in Myanmar Mr. Rabin serves as president of New York-based KWR International, Inc. and Singapore-based KWR International (Asia) Pte., Ltd, (KWR). For more information, please visit here.