Congressional Delegation Lunch

AMCHAM will be hosting a luncheon to welcome a Congressional Delegation who are visiting Yangon. This is an opportunity for members to discuss items of interest to the U.S. Government. Congressional Delegation List 1. Congressman Peter Roskam, Chairman of the House Democracy Partnership (R-IL) 2. Congressman David Price, Ranking Member, House Democracy Partnership (D-NC) 3. Congressman Alexander Crenshaw, Appropriations Committee (R-FL) 4. Congresswoman Susan Davis, House Armed Services Committee (D-CA) 5. Congressman Jim McDermott, Budget Committee (D-WA) 6. Congressman Tim Murphy, Energy and Commerce Committee (R-PA) 7. Congressman Gerry Connolly, Oversight and Government Reform Committee (D-VA) 8. Congresswoman Alice Titus, House Democracy Partnership (D-NV)